Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Espresso Whip

Life is short so you may as well eat and drink what you love, right? Well, that's at least the justification I had this morning when I thought about what kind of coffee beverage I was going to drink-one made with my espresso stove top machine or one bought at Starbucks, both of which I was getting tired of. So then I thought, hm, maybe I just need to make something I don't usually make (at least not on a weekday), just to spice things up. That's when I decided to make an espresso and top it with freshly whipped cream. It's so simple. Espresso is self-explanatory and for the whipped cream I just pour the cream into a bowl, about 1/2 cup, add 2 teaspoons of soft brown sugar and a few drops of vanilla extract and whip it to perfection. Pour the hot espresso into a mug or heat-resistant glass, top with the whipped cream and you have the perfect drink to start the morning! Usually there's whipped cream left over and if you put it in the fridge right away you can actually still eat it the next day (or in the evening when you get home from work!). I was thrilled with this morning's treat and my cat thought whipped cream for breakfast was a good idea, too.